The Red Tavern.
HGJ: "A toast to our cherished comrade, the courageous and charismatic Captain Jack Harkness! A brave and bold soul who gave his life in defence of this realm."
GL: "Here here! To Captain Harkness!"
HGJ: "We hardly knew him, but he'll be sorely missed."
GL: "If only he hadn't been so dashed headstrong, or if we'd insisted he not enter alone."
HGJ: "No point in musing over the immutable past, Professor. Time marches on leaving a mess of repercussions in its wake. All we men can do is carry on, regardless."
Unknown: "Never would have pegged you as the philosophical type, Whiskers. But that really was a wonderful eulogy. One of my favourites, and believe me, I've heard enough of them!"
A tall, well dressed gentleman had walked up to the table occupied by Jago & Litefoot. Removing his top hat, he revealed himself to be none other than...
GL: "Captain Jack Harkness! What sort of apparition is this?! You're dead! I'm sure of it. I performed the examination myself."
CJH: "I know Prim, I've got the scars to prove it."
GL: "Then how can you be here talking to us?"
CJH: "Because, I got better."
HGJ: "Got better?! From death? I need to bottle whatever it is you have, Jack. Could make us a mighty mint!"
CJH: Believe me, it's not all that it seems. It's more of a Curse than a blessing. You see, I can't die. Ever. At least, not for long. Every single time, no matter how I'm killed, I'm dragged back into this body. And it hurts. Like being dragged across broken glass, and I can never get used to it. Every time, it's a fresh hell."
GL: "But how? What manner of science allows a dead man to be brought back from the other side?"
CJH: "It's a long story Prim, one for another time. It's just a part of me. Thanks for the assist, by the way."
GL: "Oh, much obliged."
CJH: "This whole affair is far from over though. Sutekh has yet to be stopped, and I fear using me as a sacrifice may have given him a great big heaping of energy. Not enough to break free of his prison, whatever that is, but he can't be far off attaining his goals now. Full on psychic projection is no mean feat."
HGJ: "Corks! How do you propose we continue?"
CJH: "Well, please tell me you have the dagger in police custody..."
GL: "No, it couldn't be located. All the police found were the six Cult members, no identifications or weapons."
CJH: "Did you say six? Because there were seven when I entered the house."
HGJ: "Crumbs, we still have a cruel cultist cove on the loose, with an ancient dagger of mystical magic!"
CJH: "Well, that's were you should start. We now know Sutekh is trying to break into this dimension. That explains the anachronisms in this time period. Perhaps if you can find a breach in time, that Quantum Flux Stabiliser can seal it, trapping his Lordship away again."
GL: "Right, but why did you say you and not we?"
CJH: "I've been reassigned. Torchwood need me in India. The Queen is in mortal peril, thanks to a Vortisaur incursion. I'm travelling out this very night. But I leave the current investigation in your more than capable hands, gentlemen."
HGJ: "It has been an honour, sir."
GL: "And a privilege. Even if I still haven't received compensation for my window."
CJH: "Absolutely incorrigible, the pair of you! I'm going to miss you two. Good luck with Sutekh!"
GL: "And you with her Majesty!"
HGJ: "Well, we have work to do, Professor!"
GL: "Find the lost cultist? Retrieve the dagger? Stop the temporal anomalies so the Doctor can arrive? Defeat an Egyptian deity?"
HGJ: "All of the above, in due course. Firstly, we have to cancel that mournful toast for Jack. And toast to his continued health instead!"
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