Saturday, 6 August 2016

J&L: Mysteries of the Macabre (3)

The New Regency Theatre

*A rhythmic metal slapping  noise rings out. Mercifully, a knock on the door interrupts the source of the "music".*

HGJ: "I'm sorry, but we are currently conducting an audition of my new headline act. You'll just have to wait your turn."

PGL: "I doubt your clientele would be interested in ruminations on the subject of pathology, dear friend."

HGJ: "Litefoot? Why didn't you say so? Come in, come in, Sylvester here was just leaving."

Sylvester: "I was? But I haven't even reached my crescendo yet!"

HGJ: "Don't worry Sylvester. I have an ear for talent you know. I can spot a sensational act from the slightest snippet.  "

Sylvester: "Thank you, Mr. Jago. Shall I take my leave then?"

HGJ: "Yes, yes, very good. If I consider you a good fit for this theatre, I shall be in touch."

*Sylvester leaves, as Litefoot takes a seat*

PGL: "There was  no need to dismiss the chap on my account. My news could have waited."

HGJ: "Any news that brings George Litefoot to my door is worthy of my full attention. To tell you the truth, I've had a craving for a case recently. Anything to take my mind off my current managerial woes."

PGL: "Who was that Sylvester chap, anyway? You're hiring a new act?"

HGJ: "The Spectacular Sylvester and his Sonorous Spoons". He's the seventh act I've seen today, and sadly the best of the lot."

PGL: "What about your Egyptian exhibition? I know you've been losing tickets to Galvani, but surely that's still a better draw than someone playing the spoons!"

HGJ: "Therein lies the rub, George. Eddie has removed himself from my employment. He didn't agree with my refusal to let him unravel a mummy on my stage."

PGL: "Seems a drastic overreaction, if I do say so."

HGJ: "He said he'd leave and organise a private party for the performance. Cut me out of the loop and set his own price. Apparently there's a high demand among the hoi-poloi and the upper classes."

PGL: "How unfortunate! It never rains,, but it pours."

HGJ: "It's not all bad news though. The next potential act appears promising. The Prodigious Paul  performs perilous prestidigitation and enthralling escapology. He's billed as a regular Houdini from Hackney."

PGL: "Glad to here it, I only hope he's as talented as his reputation insists."

HGJ: "Enough of the woes of a humble impresario though. What news is so important that it couldn't wait until our rendezvous at the Red Tavern?"

PGL: "A body was found last night. Strangled by some brute with unnatural strength."

HGJ: "Some kind of brutal behemoth!"

PGL: "I was wondering if you might have heard some rumours of this nature, hulking figures in the dark..."

HGJ: "Unfortunately not, Litefoot. I've been somewhat preoccupied of late. But if it's rumour you're after, I can't think of a finer repository of whispers than the Red Tavern. Come along, you can treat me to a late lunch."

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