Saturday, 12 March 2016

J&L: Curse of the Pharaoh (10)

Turner's Textiles Warehouse.
"That's it Henry! Keep walking backwards, I'll guide you. Drift a little to your left, old chap."
"Cheers Litefoot. This periodic blinking is working wonders, the Weeping Angel is following along nicely."
"I wonder what Ellie has planned outside?"
"Some marvellous machination masterminded by the medical maestro, The Doctor, I'll wager."
"At least this predicament hasn't softened your spirits, Jago!"
"It's sell under control, Professor. We have the measure of this beast."
The lights flickered momentarily. Making use of the flash of darkness, the Angel had advanced several feet in a heartbeat.
"Don't speak to soon, Jago! The lighting in this factory is on the blink."
"Professor, you could have chosen your words more carefully!"
"Unintentional, I swear."
"The lighting here is on its last legs, I'm surprised it even works at all anymore. Bally electrics, give me a gas lamp any day."
"Well, we'd better increase our tempo before we loose all light!"
The gents hurried towards the northern exit of the building. As the light flickering grew ever more frequent, Jago stopped blinking. The Angel was making ground well enough without his encouragement.
"Henry, I think the creature is draining the power from the lights! Can you feel a sort of tingling in the air? Like some sort of static charge?"
"By jingo, you're right! George, reach into my left jacket pocket, there should be a box of matches."
"Aha, good idea Henry! I'll try and keep light on it as we retreat. We're almost there!"
"Oh, lummy. I hope Ellie's plan works!"
Litefoot struck a match, it's glow pitifully weak, but just enough to illuminate the creature. With a cautious haste, the pair advanced on there goal.


Suddenly the corridor was cast into a full darkness. Behind Jago, at their destination, moonlight light up the doorway but could not penetrate deep into the corridor. Jago stared forward, hoping to spot the Angel advancing from the gloom. He held his mirror aloft, like it was a impenetrable shield.

With a hiss, light returned to the scene. The Angel was now mere feet from the gentlemen.
"Sorry Henry, the last match burnt down to my thumb, and it's difficult to strike a match in the dark."
"Nevermind Litefoot, let's just hurry up and leave!"

Exterior of Turner's Textiles Warehouse.
"Ah, you two made it then."
"Indeed Ellie, despite the best efforts of the creature."
"Why are there three constables here? You hardly intend on sticking this sadistic stone statue in a cell?"
"And is that a horse and cart with them?"
"Time to enact Professor Dark's plan. I've convinced these peelers to meet us here with a wagon full of freshly mixed concrete. Between us, we're going to pick up the creature and heave it into the wagon. The concrete will set, sealing the creature inside, and tomorrow we'll dump it into the Thames, never to be disturbed again."
"Capital plan, Ellie!"
"So, we have to touch that terror?"
"Yeah Jago, between the six of us, we should be able to keep an eye on it. Don't worry."
"Well, if you're sure. I mean, how difficult can it be?"

"There it is now! Right in the doorway. At least it can't affect the moonlight."
"Ok boys, grab ahold of it and 'eave!"
"Up she goes."
"It's teetering on the edge of the wagon!"
"Aha, in it goes! Take that you blighter!"
"No more than you deserve, sending me back in time!"

"It's over. Another case closed by the cunning and courage of Jago and Litefoot!. And Ellie!"

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