Wednesday, 9 March 2016

J&L: Curse of the Pharaoh (9)

Turner's Textiles Warehouse.
"Confound and curse you, you cruel and cretinous cherub! You malevolent monstrosity of masonry! I hope you choke on all the energy Ellie gave you, that'd be just like her, going down fighting. Oh, why is it always the best who are taken?"
"Steady on, old boy. I'm upset too, but there will be time for mourning later. We still have a pressing concern staring us in the face!"
"Oh, of course... Got a bit carried away... I do have one idea, it'll buy us time to think, at least. I have this here, in my jacket pocket."
"A handheld powdering mirror? A little florid for your tastes, isn't it Jago?"
"Because it's not mine. I swiped it from the dressing room of Cleopatra. Thought she'd be glad to be of service against her tormentor."
"Ah, so if we hold this mirror in front of the Angel's gaze, it'll trap itself! Inspired, Henry!"
"There's still the problem of what to do next..."
"We'll think of something. We always do."

Somewhere, Somewhen.
"Ugh, where am I? What 'appened?"
"Don't move, try to relax and stay perfectly calm. Temporal transference can play havoc on those unused to it."
"Where am I, I was in a... warehouse?"
"You're in a back alley, somewhere in London's East End. Your somewhen, on the other hand... That's more disturbing. There's no delicate way to put this, it's 1835."
"So I ain't even been born yet... Who are you, 'ow did you know I'd be 'ere?"
"I'm Professor Dark. Or, just The Doctor. Whatever you prefer. And I located you with my new and improved Timey-Wimey Detector. I upgraded the ding to a bong, but it still fries eggs at 10 paces. That's down from 20 though, so definite improvement."
"What? Ugh, my 'ead is pounding like the peelers trying to break up a lock in at the Red Tavern."
"The nausea will fade soon. There's more bad news though. I need to ask you a favour, though you won't like it."

Turner's Textiles Warehouse, 1893.
"Still waiting on that plan, Professor."
"I admit, I'm drawing a blank on this one, old chap..."
"Guess our proverbial bacon is soon to be roasted!"
"Nonsense, Mr. J. Never on my watch!"
"What on Earth? How did you survive?"
"I bet The Doctor had some involvement. Some cunning chronological contraption to escort you back home?"
"No actually. I just got 'ere the same way all those other lost souls did. I waited."
"Oh my dear, how dreadful!"
"You're looking well for a girl older than myself."
"Don't forget Jago, I am technically a vampire. I don't age in the conventional sense."
"Now, there's a plan underway, lead that thing to the Northern entrance. I'll run ahead and make sure things are set up."

London's East End, 1835.
"So, you need me to live here, in the past, until 1893, and I can rejoin the gents?"
"Yes, and I'm sorry Ellie. I'm truly sorry. If there was any other way to get you home, I would. But there's no possibility of time travel in 1893. Still haven't found the source of those emissions. And your, unique, talents lend themselves to this ask."
"But, where am I gonna live? I can't stay in London... I might meet myself."
"Very astute! I'm impressed, my companions are never this savvy. I own a property in Scotland. You can live there until you're needed back south."
"Thanks, I think. But what about the creature, Henry and the Professor are still in danger!"
"I'll leave that up to you. You have 60+ years to dwell on it... Here's a document, outlining several stratagems which could contain the Weeping Angel. Choose whichever you're most comfortable with, and arrange to implement it on the night you vanished. And remember. Do not be seen by yourself or the two gents. Don't mess with established events."
"Ok, got it."
"Brilliant! Oh, and take this. The boys will need it soon, and it's readings might help with my understanding of this phenomenon."
"Looks like a brass bicycle 'andle."
"It's part recon drone, part passive sensor, and part quantum fluxes stabiliser. And, it can pick up any radio station via Bluetooth. I really don't know when to stop."
"But what does it do?"
"Doesn't matter. They'll find out soon enough. Sorry I can't be more helpful, my hands are tied by the progression of established events."

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