Sunday, 25 December 2016

JLP: The Second Coming (3)

Jago, Litefoot & Ellie forced their way through the hoards of Christmas shoppers as they raced towards the source of the explosion. It was an arduous slog through the mass of people, most of whom were moving away from the epicentre with varying degrees of panic. The trio managed to arrive at the grotto with some difficulty, and began to make their way inside, cautiously.

"Some manner of Winter Wonderland. Dashed enterprising. The tykes must love it." mused Jago, distracted by thoughts of a business opportunity.

"They probably prefer it without the threat of incendiary devices though." replied Litefoot, dryly.

"Quite right. This is not the occasion for flippancy. Still, the practical effects here are outstanding."

"What do you mean  Mister J?" asked Ellie.

"As someone with decades of experience in the theatrical trade, I have developed something of an eye for superlative set design. Look at the ice on the walls and floor for example. They look practically genuine. And as for the statues.... Argghh!" Jago's explanation was interrupted by a cry as he lost his footing, and slipped to the ground.

"Henry!" Exclaimed Litefoot, concerned. "Are you alright?"

Jago sighed as he rubbed his tender side. "Nothing bruised except for my dignity Professor. Slight pain in my posterior, no need to fuss."

"That explains why the ice looks so genuine... it is!" Ellie reasoned. "But it hasn't been cold enough for frost today..."

"I very much doubt it was frozen by natural means." Litefoot said, deep in thought. He took in the surroundings, attempting to gain fresh perspective. They were stood in a wider, open area, having traveled through a short entrance corridor. A number of fir trees decorated the interior of the room, while the walls were painted a dark navy colour and dotted with small lights to create the impression of a starry night sky. Three adult figures were standing around a large cushioned seat, like a throne. The figures appeared to be carved from ice, one dressed as Santa and the others as a pair of elves. Fake snowdrifts littered the floor, but centred around the three figures were streaks of actual ice. Running closer, Litefoot noticed that the streaks appeared to radiate outwards from a central point.

"Hmm. Most curious." He muttered. Jago was now picking himself up from the floor. As he straightened himself up, he asked Litefoot what was on his mind.
"See the pattern of the ice... radiating outward from the centre of those three statues. And there's ice on the nearest trees to them also."

"You think whatever caused the freeze originated from that spot?" Ellie asked, cordoning on to Litefoot's theory.

"Exactly my dear."

"But, what could cause such an effect?" asked Jago, as he stepped towards the nearest statue. "Hey, I don't suppose that these statues could be..." As he approached the figure, he wobbled on the ice beneath his feet again. This time he managed to keep his footing, though he knocked the statue to the ground with his flailing. It shattered like glass into thousands of tiny shards. "... frozen folk..." he finished.

"I fear you're correct Henry. These poor unfortunates were staff members of this attraction." Litefoot confirmed.

"Corks! I've just smashed the poor soul!" Jago cried out.

"Don't worry too much, Henry. These people were killed upon the moment of freezing. The human body is approximately 70% water. Rapid cooling and the formation of ice crystals within the cellular structure of the body results in irreparable damage to the cell walls. There's nothing that can be done for these poor people." Litefoot explained solemnly.

"Hang on, what's this?" Asked Ellie, as she store gracefully over the icy hazard and held up several gold fragments she retrieved from the ground.

"Like pieces of a puzzle." Jago mused. "Looks like they might fit together to form a sphere. Part of one at any rate."

"Maybe this contained whatever explosive caused this mess?" Ellie added.

"Possibly. But look at the pattern. It's make of some kind of plastic, with glitter on the outer surface. Probably just some Christmas ornament damaged in the attack." Litefoot said.

"Who would do such a thing, and why?" Said Jago.  In the distance, the sound of sirens was growing rapidly closer.

"Sounds like someone has called for the peelers. We'd better make a getaway. You two hardly want to try and explain this to the police." Ellie warned.

"Quite right. Come along Jago, I think we've learned all we can from this place anyway."

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