Tuesday, 6 December 2016


Coming soon to a theatre near you (only the one. We have a small budget), the horror / thriller extravaganza of 2017...

TRUMPOCALYPSE: Ugly, Racist and Dickish.

In cinemas, January 1st, this Film of the Year is the first cinematic screenplay by authorial visionary and full time pipe smoker, Guy N. Smith. The author of a literal fuckton (Imperial units, naturally) of genre defining classics: atmospheric creepiness, uncanny predictions of humanity's potential pitfalls in our cosmic journey through life's mysteries, tense thrillers, and a bastion of solidarity against the PC whims of the "pussy generation".

In this seminal work, Guy imagines a world of scientists, too smart and aloof for their own good, who machinate to create scientific monstrosities. Using taxpayer money, their labs (staffed by non-national immigrants, no less) are a wretched hive of avarice. These are not the brave British minds that innovated technology to defeat the Nazis, these are foreign mad scientists experimenting beyond the bounds of morality. Their creations an affront to God himself. One such creation, a splicing of Orangutan, Human, Dung Beetle, Dog and some others. Part man. Part animal. All ugly, racist and dickish.

During a protest against the inhumane practices occurring within, noble patriots breach the lab crying "No more experts" and "Get out ye black and tanned". In the confusion, the horrific beast escapes. Through a series of whacky events, it finds itself besuited and in America. Angry at the forces that created it, and disgusted by its own existence, it must seek the highest office in the land to set right the balance of power. Can it win a victory for patriarchal, sexist, racist bigotry? How can an orange turd stand to stand for white supremacy? Will the white man finally be able to catch a break in this cowardly new world?

Find out, Jan. 1st.

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