Sunday 29 October 2017

J&L: Emissary of the Eldritch (1)

*Charing Cross Station*

The hubbub of bustling commuters fills the air, punctuated by the shrill whistles of   conductors and the sighing gasps of steam engines. Cutting through the background chatter are the urgent footsteps of a rushing lady.

American Woman: "Excuse me, oh I do beg your pardon sir, if I could just squeeze past... oh, where are they? Those two are always getting lost. Mercy me."

Replying from some distance away, an older American gentleman shouts.

American Man: "Sarah? Sarah my dear? Damn and blast this infernal crowd, I thought the English were supposed to be renowned for their queuing etiquette. Sarah, if you can hear me, meet me in our carriage!"

Sarah Phillips: "Daddy Whipple? I can't hear you. Oh dear, look. I'll meet you both aboard the train okay?"

Both parties struggle against the heaving crowd, before slipping into the relative quietness of their private carriage compartment.

Whipple Phillips: "My dear daughter, at last. I was afraid I'd lost you to the expanse of this sprawling city."

Sarah: "Indeed Daddy. I was afraid I'd never again find you once we were separated by that speeding horse cart. Say, where's little Howie?"

Whipple: "The boy remained with you, didn't he? He was holding your hand when last I saw you two."

Sarah: "He wriggled from my grasp and ran to you. You know what's he's been like, ever since his father was incarcerated. He rushes to you whenever he's scared. I saw him by your side just before that cart separated us!"

Whipple: "God-damn little... we have to find him, now. London is no place for a child with his... temperament."

Sarah: "Good heavens! My little boy, all alone in the big city. Little Howard! We need to alert the authorities."

Whipple: "First, we need to get off this locomotive lest we end up in the highlands of Scotland. Come along my dear, quickly now."

Sarah: "Who's that, father? There's a chap in fancy dress in the corridor."

Whipple: "Some kind of masked fellow, with an obfuscating hood. You there! Stand aside good sir, we've no time for your frivolity."

Masked Man: "The night is coming, so very soon."

Whipple: "I don't care. Now let us past, my grandson is missing and we must locate him posthaste."

Masked Man: "But sir, it's nearly All Hallow's Night. The dead shall rise to walk among the living. The Old Gods are returning, and we must herald their arrival."

Whipple: "Ah, pagan nonsense, as I suspected. Ignore his ravings, Sarah, we must find Howie at once."

Masked Man: "Yes, the child. Lost and adrift, cast out among the wolves. He must be found, for his blood will guide the way."

Whipple: "I've had quite enough of this.... Hey! Unhand me you gibbering brute!"

Masked Man: "His blood will guide the way, but his blood is your blood. You are also required."

Sarah tried to scream, to shout for help, but her cries where drowned out by the train's whistle, as the engine heaved its way from the platform, away from safety, and away from her lost son.

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