Monday 29 August 2016

J&L: Mysteries of the Macabre (9)

Cult Stronghold

Voice: "Leave those two for me, they have value beyond mere sacrifice."

EE: "Our lord and master speaks to us!"

GG: "As you wish, my lord. Then whom shall be your final sacrifice?"

Voice: "Let my faithful provide the means of my return! Fight amongst yourselves for this great honour, fight to decide whom is worthy of this monumental task."

EE: "I volunteer as sacrifice!"

PGL: "Stop this madness at once! It's barbaric!"

GG: "Silence, unenlightened heathen. You and your kind will be purged when our master is ruler once again."

HGJ: "You realize that you lot won't be spared from his wrath. Destructive deities are not generally known for compassion."

GG: "Enough! Brother Edmund has volunteered. Does anyone else wish to challenge him? No... very well."

EE: "All my life, I've felt that I've been destined for greatness. But I've never found my calling."

GG: "Until now, brother. Know, that by your actions, Sutekh himself shall have domain over all things, once more."

*A sickening whoosh of air followed the dagger's strike, dulling as the sound was absorbed by Edmund's flesh.*

EE: "Praise... Su...tekh...."

GG: "And so, his will has been carried out. Praise Sutekh!"

Cultists: "PRAISE SUTEKH!"

PGL: "How ghastly!"

HGJ: "So, is that it then? Have we failed? Is the world about to plunge into the despairing depths of demonic darkness?"

PGL: "I admit we're somewhat out of our depth this time, old chum. But unless I'm mistaken, the moment has been prepared for."

HGJ:."You have some kind of cunning counter offensive then?"

PGL: "More of a shot in the dark, if I'm honest. But it's the best hope we have."

HGJ: "Well, I'd wouldn't delay in enacting it. Look at that gem thing."

PGL: "It's starting to glow, a kind of radiant red internal light."

GG: "The Eye of Horus has been opened! The gateway has been established."

HGJ: "The light, it's swirling, and increasing in size."

PGL: "It appeared to be forming into some kind of portal."

HGJ: "There! Do you see, in the centre of the portal, is that the figure of a man?"

PGL: "There is a dark shape, drawing closer. But it's no man."

HGJ: "Looks like a man to me... By Jove! Is that a dog's head? Cove is covered in black fur!"

PGL: "That would be the same as the body  the late Mr. Erickson wished to display."

Voice: "Not the same, George Litefoot. That creature was an Osiran, like me. But he was a mere commoner, one of my guards, entrusted with the means of my return. It is prudent to plan for all eventualities, after all."

GG: "My lord! To see you, in the flesh, it is..."

Sutekh: "Silence! You insignificant mortals shall speak only when directed to."

PGL: "Excuse me, Sutekh. But you appear to be under misapprehension that you have won control of this planet, without a fight."

Sutekh: "Haha! This one has spirit indeed. How do you intend to stand against me? Some kind of primitive projectile weapon?"

PGL: "No. With this!"

Sutekh: "A dagger? It doesn't even have a sharp blade. It's just a silver rod!"

HGJ: "The Quality Flow Gyrometer!"

PGL: "That's Quantum Flux Generator, Henry."

Sutekh: "That is not technology native to your time zone."

PGL: "You'll find us humans can be resourceful in a pinch."

Sutekh:."It is still a mere child's toy. What do you possibly hope to achieve with such a trinket?"

HGJ: "I'd quite like to know that and all."

PGL: "Honestly, I don't have a clue. But it was given to me by a remarkable man in a remarkable circumstance. By the kind of man who would probably have expected this exact scenario and planned accordingly."

HGJ: "Indeed, when the Doctor goes to such effort to send us a bizarre item, chances are he knows we'll need it."

Sutekh: "The Doctor is involved? That meddling Time Lord got lucky the last time he interfered. I will not give him a second opportunity."

PGL: "Oh, it's too late for that now. Now, how do I activate this... A-ha!"

*A crackling energetic him fills the room.*

HGJ: "Didn't expect it to shoot lighting from the tip."

PGL: "Nor I! Look, the beam is striking right at the centre of the portal."

HGJ: "It's hitting the Eye of Horus."

Sutekh: "No. Impossible!"


PGL: "The gem! It's just shattered, like glass!"

HGJ: "The portal is shrinking! Good work Doctor!"

PGL: "Good riddance Sutekh! Back into the void with you!"

GG: "My lord, no! Grab my hand, I shall save yoooooouuuuuuuu"

PGL: "Good grief!"

HGJ: "The poor chap was sucked into the portal too. Who knows where they've ended up."

PGL: "The rest of the cultists have run off, it seems. Actually meeting Sutekh seems to have caused their faith to waiver."

HGJ: "So is that it then? Did we win? Seems a tad simple."

PGL: "I don't know Henry. But Sutekh is gone, the cult is disbanded. I think it's for the best that we have one anticlimactic adventure."

*A familiar noise fades in, a wheezing groan, the sound of something politely ripping a hole in the universe. It ends with a sudden thud.*

*A door creaks open*

The Doctor: "Gentlemen, no time to lose. Spit-spot! We've only just begun!"

J&L: Mysteries of the Macabre (8)

The Red Tavern

EH: "Professor!"

PGL: "Ellie! I've had the most singular series of occurrences today! It would appear that Mr. Erickson's mummy is in fact some sort of alien lifeform. It had in it's possession a rather ornate gemstone, which a second mummy assaulted us for. And this cove was some sort of construct,  without any visible method of operation within."

EH: "All very interesting, I'm sure. But I need to talk to you, about Jago."

PGL: "Ah yes, I was wondering where he'd gotten to. This isn't about his credit, is it? Because I'm sure I can cover any temporary..."

EH: "No Professor. He's in grave danger."

PGL: "What?! What has he gotten involved with now?"

EH: "Well, he was in here earlier. Had a notion that Mr. Galvani might be making them corpses move by some form of electrics. He went round there to do a bit of questioning."

PGL:."Alone? Oh, Jago..."

EH: "He said he wanted to confirm his suspicions before going to you."

PGL: "One of these days his headstrong nature will be his downfall. But let's hope it's not today. Maybe Galvani is a red herring, so to speak, and Henry was waylaid on his return?"

EH: "Sorry Professor. But a chap dropped this letter here for you, about twenty minutes before you arrived. Didn't get a look at his face, he wore a wide brimmed hat and a large collar."

PGL: "Show me please, Ellie."

PGL: "Dear Professor Litefoot,
It has come to my attention that you have recently procured an item that does not belong to you. Namely, a scarlet gem recovered from our mummy. In retaliation, we have procured something of yours. Namely, Henry Jago.

Should you wish the safe return of your colleague, please bring the jewel to the below address by midnight. If you show up late, without the gem, or with the constabulary, your friend will become our latest sacrifice.

We trust you will keep your silence."

EH: "Sounds grim, Professor. What do you suppose is so important about the jewel anyway?"

PGL: "Well, I believe it's fair to assume that the corpse guarding the gem is either Sutekh, or another of his kind. Presumably, it's somehow a catalyst for his resurrection, or maybe a key to his shackles. I really don't have enough information to speculate."

EH: "So, are you going to go? It's obviously a trap."

PGL: "Ellie, I would risk far more than a rapture at the hands of an Egyptian deity for the life of Henry Gordon Jago. I have to go."

EH: "And I'm with you."

PGL: "Not this time, I'm afraid. I dare not appear with anyone else. You should get Quick and be ready to follow me in after I've secured Jago's release."

EH: "I can't argue Professor. But please, be careful."

Exterior: Red Tavern

PGL: "Once more unto the breach. Steel yourself George, you'll need your nerves about you. Oh, and one other thing. If I utilise a hansom I'll have time to pop home and retrieve it. Stay strong Jago, I'm coming for you, old friend."

Cult Stronghold

HGJ: "You won't get away with any of this, you know. Mark my words, the long arm of the law will lasso you, sooner or later! I bet George won't even show up. That'll show you! Where will your fanatical following be then?"

Edmund Erickson: "Can't we just gag him? I heard enough of his prattle when he employed me!"

GG: "Let the caged bird sing, brother Edmund. He shall be silenced soon enough, but first his cry shall act as bait for our prized quarry."

EE: "Very well."

Cultist: "Master, the Professor is here."

GG: "Then bring him to us. Our lord Sutekh has been imprisoned long enough. We shall tarry no longer."

PGL: "So this is your clubhouse then? Can't say I'm overly impressed. We've defeated worse fiends with more firepower that you lot."

HGJ: "Haha, that's the spirit George. In fact, Sutekh isn't even the first God we've defeated. Just ask Wieng-Chiang!"

GG: "Such false bravado, gentlemen I'm surprised you too don't appear in front of the stage lights with top billing! The Eye of Horus, now."

PGL: "Getting tetchy will get you nowhere young man. Now, I assume this Eye is referring to this gemstone?"

GG: "The Eye! It is more glorious than the legends foretold. Give it to me!"

PGL: "Not until Jago is released!"

GG: "The gem! Or your friend will die."

HGJ: "I don't think these chaps are the kind to make idle threats."

PGL: "Very well, take your confounded gem. Just leave Jago unharmed."

GG:."It is ours, brothers! At long last, our lord is almost free. The gem nearly charged, one final ritual should provide enough life energy to bring Sutekh to us!"

EE: "And what better way to celebrate his return than sacrificing the two heathens who nearly thwarted his will? As a man of the stage Jago, you must surely appreciate the irony."

HGJ & PGL: "Corks!!!"

Friday 26 August 2016

J&L: Mysteries of the Macabre (7)

The Apollo Theatre

Stagehand: "Mr. Galvani sir. Gentleman here to see you, name of Jago, Henry Gordon."

GG: "I believe you were instructed not to disturb me until tonight's show. For any reason. A performer must prepare."

Stagehand: "Sorry sir. But he's insistent sir. Won't take no for an answer."

HGJ: "No I bally well won't! Honestly, the youth of today, no manners. No room for them, you know, heads are too full of fanciful notions."

GG: "I'm sure. Now, since you managed to find your way into my office, could you kindly retrace your steps and find your way out?"

HGJ: "That quick to dismiss me, eh? I thought an experienced entrepreneur such as yourself be willing to entertain an extraordinary offer of employment."

GG:."As you can clearly see, I am already comfortably employed... Jago, was it? Of the New Regency?"

HGJ: "Ah, so you do remember me after all then."

GG: "Yes, you were the ignorant oaf of an impresario who turned down my act. 'Gruesome and grotesque' were your words, I believe."

HGJ: "Let's just say, I've had time to reconsider."

GG: "Very well. I shall entertain your little notion. But know that I am predisposed to remaining firm here. What are your terms?"

HGJ: "Whatever you're getting here, I'll double it."

GG: "My my, you are desperate, to offer such a prize so readily. Is the New Regency in such need for talent? Doesn't speak much about the quality of its proprietor."

HGJ: "Now listen here.... I mean, there's something of an ulterior motive in my generosity, truth be told."

GG: "I thought as much."

HGJ: "You see, I don't just want your act, as is. I envisage something grander, with more spectacle. Agitating amphibians is all well and good for the public for now, but soon they'll find a new dad to follow."

GG: "What are you getting at?"

HGJ: "Could you apply your talents to something larger than a frog? Some sort of mammalian motive manipulation if you will."

GG: "An interesting notion. I admit I have experimented with cats and dogs, but the audience tends to feel more revulsion when applied to more conventional animals. You know how you English are with your dogs."

HGJ: "Hmm. So you can scale your technology then. How about the scope of it though. Making a leg twitch is an amateur parlor trick, could you maybe make something walk, with suitably modulated electricity?"

GG: "My dear man, that is the realm of the Penny Dreadful. It is true that all muscular impulses are generated by biological electricity, but I cannot generate anything like the control mechanism of a brain. I can do little more than induce a random twitching!"

HGJ: "Ha! So you're saying you couldn't give a corpse the illusion of life once more? Piffle!"

GG: "What?! Preposterous, utterly preposterous! Now who is the gruesome one? I cannot even imagine how to do such a thing, let alone the indignity of defiling the dead like that."

HGJ: "Really, you mean to tell me that you have nothing to do with the current spree of mummy related murder?"

GG: "Of course not! I don't even know what you mean!"

HGJ: "But I saw a mummy lurking outside this very venue, last night fact."

GG: "Then perhaps I am to be it's next victim! Or, more likely, it was some performer from one of my warm up acts. Otherwise, your particularly vivid imagination is running rampant."

HGJ: "But.. maybe I have been a little overzealous and assumptive on my accusations."

GG: "Indeed you have. And I shall not be taking you up on your supposed offer. Just in case that wasn't clear. Now good day to you sir!"

HGJ: "Fair enough. Um. I'll see myself out."

HGJ: "Hold on a moment."

GG: "For heaven's sake, what now?"

HGJ: "I've just been admiring your keepsakes, the ones on that shelf behind you."

GG: "A collection of curiosities I picked up along my travels, nothing more."

HGJ: "It's just that dagger... the gold one with the inlaid rubies, I swear I've seen it before. Dash it, it shall trouble me all evening now."

GG: "Oh Jago. I'm so sorry."

HGJ: "Eh, for what?"

GG: "For a man who portrays himself as a bumbling fool, you really are just a tad too observant. You know what they say about curiosity..."

HGJ: "Corks!"

GG: "You remember now?"

HGJ: "The dagger... that's the weapon that the cult of Sutekh used."

GG: "The one I escaped with when you interfered in our last sacrifice. You and Litefoot delayed our plans then, but we have endured. You know, if you had just walked out of my office, you'd have lived."

HGJ: "You could still free me. Just saying."

GG: "I think not. In fact, you shall become the final sacrifice to summon Lord Sutekh from his prison. We only need the eye, and the final ceremony shall begin."

HGJ: "What eye? Explain yourself. Oof! Unhand me you bandaged blighter!"

GG: "You've already met my hired help. Osiran service robot is what he is really. Simply a construct of metal and granted mobility by my master's gifts. Prepare for his coming, Jago."

Saturday 13 August 2016

J&L: Mysteries of the Macabre (6)

The Red Tavern

HGJ: "If it isn't the exemplary Ellie! How are you this fine afternoon, my dear?"

EH: "Alright, what is it that you want?"

HGJ: "I beg your pardon?"

EH: "You always lay the complements on thick when you're after something."

HGJ: "My dear, I shall try not to take offense at such a scurrilous slight to my good name."

EH: "You saying that you're not looking for a pint on credit? Again."

HGJ: "Thought hadn't even crossed my mind. Though, now that you mention it... I don't suppose there's any chance..."

EH: "Just the one mind. You know what your tab is like."

HGJ: "Much obliged. No, the reason I came was to seek your sound council. You see, I've developed something of a theory about our most recent investigation. But I'd like to get your opinion before I present it to Litefoot."

EH: "Fair enough. So, what are you thinking?"

HGJ: "I postulate that we cannot consider our current case in isolation. Here we are, beset by mummies, but it's not the first case with an Egyptian element."

EH: "You're right! There was that death cult recently enough, the one that the handsome Captain gave you a hand with."

HGJ: "And even that business with the sinister stone statues was linked to a photograph from Egypt."

EH: "Don't remind me!"

HGJ: "Oh yes. Right, sorry. But those frenzied fanatics were followers of a god known as Sutekh. Whom they were trying to resurrect by some manner of dark ritual."

EH: "You don't mean to say that the mummy terrorizing London is this Sutekh?!"

HGJ: "Not likely. I'd expect more pompous grandstanding and apocalyptic apocrypha from a god of destruction. Doesn't say much about his power if he can only manage a couple of backstreet murders."

EH: "Some heck of a coincidence then!"

HGJ: "Not necessarily, Ellie. Perhaps this murderous mummy is merely a macabre moniker for some other malign menace. Somebody taking advantage of the current wave of Egyptmania to further their own diabolical scheme."

EH: "I dunno, Mr. J. Seems a bit far fetched if you ask me. Who would even do such a thing, and how?"

HGJ: "It wouldn't be the first time we've encountered an enemy with designs on rising the deceased from their graves. Mr. Crow and the Necropolis Express. The Black Formosa Corruption."

EH: "Yeah, but even if you're right, who the blazes could be behind this?"

HGJ: "I can think of one chap in particular with experience of manipulating the dead into ex-mortis movement. The Great Galvani himself!"

EH: "No way! Do you have any proof?"

HGJ: "As a matter of fact, eh, no. Not really. But I did see something strange last night, outside the theatre  actually willing to display his vile show."

EH: "What were you doing wandering through that part of town?"

HGJ: "Well, I had donned a dashing disguise with the intent of discreetly handing some information to our good friend Quick. Anonymously. While I travelled home however, I realized that I had wandered near to the Apollo. Quite by chance, you understand."

EH: "I'm sure it was chance alright. And not at all an excuse to spy on Galvani's crowds."

HGJ: "Well, it never hurts to inspect the competition, my dear. But while I stood there, I thought I saw a large figure dressed oddly, out of the corner of my eye. Initially I assumed it was some sort of costumed chap popped out from backstage, until I realized, he was a mummy! Seven feet tall and round as a barrel. I tried to give chase, but the blighter must have given me the slip."

EH: "Blimey! So when do we go and have a chat with this Galvani?"

HGJ: "We? I'm sorry my dear, but I must insist you stay here."

EH: "Why, am I not good enough to accompany you? After all the times I've saved your sorry hide?"

HGJ: "Not at all Ellie. I mean no offence. I merely need you here to inform George of my suspicions. And to come to my assistance should I fail to return promptly."

EH: "So why not wait until Litefoot is here to go?"

HGJ: "Would that I could. I'm afraid to say that I'd prefer to remain here, but time is of the essence. If Galvanized is the mastermind, he may even now be covering his tracks, and if he's not.... well, Litefoot doesn't need to know about my theory."

Saturday 6 August 2016

J&L: Mysteries of the Macabre (5)

Mortuary, St. Thomas' Hospital

IQ: "Morning Professor."

PGL: "Inspector Quick? I didn't expect to see you again so soon!"

IQ: "I could leave again sir, if now is inconvenient."

PGL: "Nothing of the sort, Quick! I meant no offence. I take it you have news of another grizzly murder related to our investigation?"

IQ: "Not exactly, Professor. To tell you the truth, this is a bit of a cold case."

PGL: "In which case, I doubt my skills will be of much use if decomposition has set in... how cold is the case exactly?"

IQ: "Well, I'm no expect in these matters, but it's several thousand years or so I'm led to believe"

PGL: "What?!"

IQ: "The body in question is an Egyptian mummy. I received your note outlining your suspicion that our killer at large may be a figure wrapped in linen, with Egyptian paraphernalia. Still no sign of that Tim Daniels though."

PGL: "A pity. But where on Earth did you find a mummy? You haven't raided the Natural History museum, have you?!"

IQ: "We received an anonymous tip yesterday evening, from a bearded Italian textile merchant. Said he was a 'vendor of a veritable variety of Venician velvet'."

PGL: "And 'superb Sicilian silk', no doubt."

IQ: "You know the chap?"

PGL: "You could say we're acquainted. But what did he tell you?"

IQ: "Claimed that a man by the name of Edmund Erickson had designs on unwrapping a Pharaoh. Another one of those tacky unravel parties. I organised a raid, and sure enough, found a group of toffs standing around a mummy."

PGL: "Is it here, in custody? I should like to examine it. Purely to ascertain if it is somehow responsible for yesterday's murder."

IQ: "I'll have it sent down here presently. Do let me know what you find. It's a bit of a long shot though. I'll have my men continue to search for Tim, or criminals wearing linen wrappings, masquerading as mummies. Makes more sense than walking corpses anyway."

London Docklands

*The sound of ships and sea punctuate the air. A man, Dr. Tim Daniels, is out if breath, sighing in resignation*

DTD: "I knew you would come for me. No point in running from my folly any longer."

DTD: "Silent type, I see. Didn't realize that the tongue was removed during the mummification process."

DTD: "Surprisingly big and bulky for a corpse too. Not like any dessicated corpse I've ever seen. Comes with the curse I expect."

DTD: "Come on then. End it! There's no way out for me. I can't bear the wait! For what it's worth, I'm sorry for disturbing your tomb."

DTD: "Wait.... you've stopped. Why?"

*A regal, powerful voice responds*

Voice: "The vessel has been found. The key to my salvation must be retrieved."

DTD: "*relieved sigh*"

Voice: "Oh, and kill the human. His energy is required"

Mortuary, St. Thomas' Hospital

PGL: "Right then, let's see what secrets you're hiding... Hope you don't mind if I chat away, I find thinking aloud helps focus the mind. Obviously, I don't expect you to answer back... though that would prove the walking dead theory."

PGL: "You're a tall one, and no mistake. Must be at least seven feet and thin as a post. Unusually tall for a human, no to mention someone of your era. Although you seem altogether too scrawny to be responsible for the murder by way of strangulation."

PGL: "Right, time to get these bandages off. Let's start with the head...."

PGL: "Good heavens! Unless my medical training was woefully incomplete, you are not human at all, are you? The body is covered in a sort of downy fluff, like rabbit hide. The ears are long and pointed, while the nose and mouth is  almost snout-like!"

PGL: "I'm not veterinarian, but you seem to share a lot of evolutionary traits with the canine species. Like some sort of half man, half dog figure. I'd better keep unraveling, who knows what other secrets you're hiding?"

PGL: "Hmm. Your arms are crossed over your chest. My, what sharp nails you have, almost like claws! But what's this? There's something clutched in your fist. Some kind of red jewel, that seems to be giving off some sort of phosphorescent glow."


PGL: "Who's there?"

PGL: "Oh. Things are beginning to fall onto place. Another mummy! A big, broad chested brute of a figure this time though. Let me guess, you're the muscle while the chap on the slab is in control."

Voice: "Silence human! The vessel has been located. The key to my salvation is at hand."

PGL: "And just who might you be? Am I speaking to the mummy, or some controlling phantom?"

Voice: "Kill him. He is vexing me."

PGL: "Steady on! Can't we just discuss this like reasonable fellows?"

*The bulky mummy takes a loud swing*

PGL: "Evidently not. I warn you, I'm a dab hand with a scalpel."

PGL: "Had! Too slow, that's the trouble with size like yours. No speed or finesse. Have at you!"

PGL: "I'm cutting right through! Like there's no resistance... like you're... hollow?!"

PC Davis: "Professor, I heard a commotion . What's going on?"

PGL: "I'm being attacked by a murderous mummy who somehow got past your security, constable. What does it look like?"

PC Davis: "Oi! Bandage boy! Cease your assault or I will open fire!"

Voice: *deep laughter*

*PC Davis fires off two shots*

PGL: "No good Davis. They're passing straight though. I think it's hollow."

PC Davis: "Then there's plan B. My trusty lighter!"

PGL: "Good show, dry linen will go up like tinder!"

*The sound of crackling fire folks the mortuary*

PGL: "Look at that! It is completely hollow, just cloth wrapped around a frame! How does it work?"

J&L: Mysteries of the Macabre (4)

The Red Tavern

EH: "Evening gents! You're 'ere early today. And looking a bit glum too, especially you Mr. J. I've seen funerals with more life in 'em than you."

HGJ: "Oh, Ellie! I could tell you a tale of woe and anguish that could rival even the most ruinous of the Bard's tragedies."

PGL: "I believe what Henry is trying to say is that his most profitable act has resigned from his theatre."

EH: "Well, that's a dose of misfortune on you. Tell you what, I'll bring over a couple of drinks, and meet you in the back room. I've 'ad a day of it and all. Do us good to 'ave a natter."

HGJ: "That sounds most pleasing, my fear Ellie."

EH: "Be with you in a few."

*The scene transitions to the private lounge of the Tavern*

EH: "Right then gents, here you go."

HGJ: "A thousand thank yous. A perfectly poured pint of ale is particularly pleasing to the palette."

PGL: "Especially, I'm sure, when it is free of charge. So, Ellie, what has you troubled, my dear?"

EH: "Something that might suit your investigative curiosity. A man arrived on my doorstep this morning, in some distress. Fearing for 'is life..."

HGJ: "Who was the cove? And what had him riled?"

EH: "Tim, 'e said 'is name was. Some kind of a doctor of 'istory."

PGL: "Was he an expert in Egyptian history, by any chance?"

EH: "As a matter of fact, 'e was! Cor, 'ow'd you know that?"

PGL: "Just a hunch. We've been dealing with a number of cases that tie back to Egypt recently."

EH: "Wonder if they're all linked by the curse?"

HGJ: "Eh? Curse? What curse might that be?"

EH: "Tim... that's what 'e was afraid of... 'e'd recently come back from some trip to an Egyptian tomb. They brought back a number of trinkets and stuff. But one by one, everyone involved with entering the tomb 'as died."

HGJ: "Corks!"

PGL: "So what happened to Timothy?"

EH: " 'e left again. Said 'is time was running out and ran into the fog, muttering about how the mummy was coming for 'im. Normally I don't 'old much stock in the tall tales my customers try and spin of course. But there ''as been some quiet talk of figures wrapped in white linen I  the mist."

PGL: "My word! You know, I think I'm already on this case!"

HGL: "What do you mean?"

PGL: "The body that ended up on my slab. The one killed by a brute. What if that was a mummy? Albert was a dock hand, he may have been involved with the cursed cargo!"

HGJ: "It's a possibility. And I wonder if it's a coincidence that Eddie has suddenly found a Pharaoh to unwrap?"

PGL: "I don't know... It all feels very tangential, we don't have any evidence. Besides even if an Egyptian ruler is back from the dead and out for revenge, a corpse that's thousands or years old would hardly have the strength to crush a man's throat."

EH: "Professor. You and Mister J 'ave dealt with Vampires, living puppets and the resurrected dead before. Can you really rule out some supernatural force?"

Nondescript House, South of Lester Square

Eddie: "Ladies and Gentlemen! You have gathered here tonight, at considerable expense, for a most privileged experience!"

*The room is filled with soft, upper class murmurs*

Eddie: "Inside this stone sarcophagus, lies the body of an ancient ruler of Egypt! The Egyptians preferred to preserve their dead, resulting in a curious lack of decay and decomposition. We sadly do not know the name of this particular Pharaoh. We have yet to fully translate the hieroglyphic text found in his tomb. All we know is that he was found in a special segregated burial area, supposedly reserved for the Gods themselves."

*The crowd oohs in appreciation*

Eddie: "So who knows, perhaps this is a gift wrapped god, whose mysteries we are here to unravel, together! Now, without further ado..."

*The sound of splitting timber, and shrill whistles*

IQ: "All right, all right, nobody move. Edmund Erickson, you are under arrest for interfering with a corpse, and body snatching. I would advise you to come quietly. Jenkins, have the boys bring that corpse to the morgue. I'm sure Litefoot will get a kick out of it."

J&L: Mysteries of the Macabre (3)

The New Regency Theatre

*A rhythmic metal slapping  noise rings out. Mercifully, a knock on the door interrupts the source of the "music".*

HGJ: "I'm sorry, but we are currently conducting an audition of my new headline act. You'll just have to wait your turn."

PGL: "I doubt your clientele would be interested in ruminations on the subject of pathology, dear friend."

HGJ: "Litefoot? Why didn't you say so? Come in, come in, Sylvester here was just leaving."

Sylvester: "I was? But I haven't even reached my crescendo yet!"

HGJ: "Don't worry Sylvester. I have an ear for talent you know. I can spot a sensational act from the slightest snippet.  "

Sylvester: "Thank you, Mr. Jago. Shall I take my leave then?"

HGJ: "Yes, yes, very good. If I consider you a good fit for this theatre, I shall be in touch."

*Sylvester leaves, as Litefoot takes a seat*

PGL: "There was  no need to dismiss the chap on my account. My news could have waited."

HGJ: "Any news that brings George Litefoot to my door is worthy of my full attention. To tell you the truth, I've had a craving for a case recently. Anything to take my mind off my current managerial woes."

PGL: "Who was that Sylvester chap, anyway? You're hiring a new act?"

HGJ: "The Spectacular Sylvester and his Sonorous Spoons". He's the seventh act I've seen today, and sadly the best of the lot."

PGL: "What about your Egyptian exhibition? I know you've been losing tickets to Galvani, but surely that's still a better draw than someone playing the spoons!"

HGJ: "Therein lies the rub, George. Eddie has removed himself from my employment. He didn't agree with my refusal to let him unravel a mummy on my stage."

PGL: "Seems a drastic overreaction, if I do say so."

HGJ: "He said he'd leave and organise a private party for the performance. Cut me out of the loop and set his own price. Apparently there's a high demand among the hoi-poloi and the upper classes."

PGL: "How unfortunate! It never rains,, but it pours."

HGJ: "It's not all bad news though. The next potential act appears promising. The Prodigious Paul  performs perilous prestidigitation and enthralling escapology. He's billed as a regular Houdini from Hackney."

PGL: "Glad to here it, I only hope he's as talented as his reputation insists."

HGJ: "Enough of the woes of a humble impresario though. What news is so important that it couldn't wait until our rendezvous at the Red Tavern?"

PGL: "A body was found last night. Strangled by some brute with unnatural strength."

HGJ: "Some kind of brutal behemoth!"

PGL: "I was wondering if you might have heard some rumours of this nature, hulking figures in the dark..."

HGJ: "Unfortunately not, Litefoot. I've been somewhat preoccupied of late. But if it's rumour you're after, I can't think of a finer repository of whispers than the Red Tavern. Come along, you can treat me to a late lunch."

Thursday 4 August 2016

J&L: Mysteries of the Macabre (2)

Mortuary, St. Thomas's Hospital

PGL: "Ah, Inspector Quick! Good morning to you. How is Mrs. Quick?"

IQ: "And to you, Professor. She's actually off visiting her mother in Margate for the week."

PGL: "Allowing you to indulge in a spot of relaxation, I shouldn't wonder."

IQ: "I wish that were the case, Professor. But it seems the criminal classes of London have something else in mind."

PGL: "I trust that's the reason for your visit here this morning then?"

IQ: "Sadly, it's not a personal visit, George. A man was found dead last night, in an alley off Suffolk Lane. Strangled, by the looks of it. Most of the boys think it's a straightforward case, but I'm not so sure..."

PGL: "You suspect some kind of supernatural interference?"

IQ: "I don't rightly know if I'd go quite that far, but as you have an eye for the singular and peculiar..."

PGL: " You thought I'd best give a second opinion as it were. Very well Quick, have the poor soul brought in. Police pathology is my official employment, after all."

The Red Tavern

*a man is panting, running for his life through London's streets. He reaches a door and hammers on it desperately*

EH: "We're closed! Tavern doesn't open until midday!"


EH: "Don't care 'ow 'thirsty' you are, nobody gets in 'til I've cleared up yesterday's mess!"


EH: "Bloody 'ell, keep yer knickers straight. I'm coming, I'm coming. Can't get a moment's peace..."

*Ellie opens the door, revealing a dishevelled and distressed man of academic bearing. Young, gangly and wearing an expensive if crumpled and dusty cream linen suit.*

EH: "Oh my word! What 'appened to you dear? You look like somefing a cat sicked up while being dragged frough a bush!"

Man: "I am afraid my current predicament somewhat negates the practicality of adequate grooming, my dear...?"

EH: "Ellie. Ellie Higson, of the Red Tavern. Otherwise known as this place."

Man: "Thank you for your courtesy, Miss Higson. My name is Daniels. Dr. Timothy Daniels, London University. Archeology department, specializing in ancient Egyptian studies."

EH: "So, what brings a gentleman of your standing to a place like this, Dr. Daniels?"

DTD: "Please, call me Timothy. This is no time or place for formalities.  We can talk freely when I'm inside."

EH: "Get in then. You look like you could do with a stiff drink."

DTD: "Whiskey please. Double."

*The door is closed and Re-latched*

DTD: "My time is short here anyway."

EH: "Don't worry. I can delay opening of you need some time to recover from whatever is bothering you. Get it off your chest, it'll do you wonders."

DTD: "No, Ellie. I mean I'm going to die. Soon. It's too late for me."

EH: "What... what do you mean?"

DTD: "It's the curse. The curse of the Pharaoh. The Mummy's revenge. It will claim all of us before the week is over."

Mortuary, St Thomas's Hospital

PGL: "Male, approximately 30 years of age. Judging by the calloused hands and tattoos, this man was a labourer, most likely a dock-hand. And recently abroad, by the colour of his tan."

IQ: "His wallet identified him as a Mr. Albert Perkins, recently returned from Africa, aboard the Venturer."

PGL: "I see. That's another thing, his wallet and money was left on the body. The motive for this attack was not financially motivated."

IQ: "My thoughts exactly. Either it was a crime of passion, or a personal attack. Definitely not a simple mugging though."

PGL: "The bruising around the neck seems to indicate that they originated shortly before death, so the crushed larynx is the most probable cause of death. Although his back is covered with multiple fresh contusions, and his shirt is red with brick dust. Was there signs of a struggle at the crime scene?"

IQ: "Not a whole lot, really. This happened incredibly fast. There was an indentation on the wall next to where we found him slumped though."

PGL: "So the victim was slammed into the wall, then choked to death... The assailant must be incredibly strong."

IQ: "Another thing, Professor. The indent was six feet about the ground."

PGL: "So our chap was strong enough to in this sailor into the wall, then hold him aloft against it before killing him?"

IQ: "Exactly what I was thinking... But what could possibly be that strong?"

PGL: "Albert here must weigh 200lb if he's a stone! I can see why you called me in. Let me check with Jago this evening, if there's a rumour going around of a hulking brute terrorizing the streets of London... you can always count on him to have heard it. And probably embellished it along the way. For theatrical effect, no doubt."

The Red Tavern

EH: "Here's your drink."

DTD: "Thank you, Ellie. You're too kind."

EH: "Don't worry about it. But you could repay me with information. What's this curse you're worried about?"

DTD: "I should start at the beginning. 18 months ago, I led an archaeological team on a research expedition to Egypt. The Venturer, it was called. Magnificent ship. Our goal was supposed tomb site a few miles from the Valley of the Kings. Years of study and hardship on my part suggested that this was the fabled burial site of the Gods themselves. A shrine were life and death where two sides of the veil."

EH: "Because messing around with that kind of stuff is always a fine idea."

DTD: "This was to be the culmination of my life's work Ellie. The proof of my theories. And none of us believed in any superstitious claptrap. At least, not when we set out."

EH: "What changed your mind?"

DTD: "The sailing itself was a breeze, the ocean as calm as a pond. Everything was perfect. We found the correct spot almost straight away. It took us almost no time to locate a carved stone slab beneath the dessert sands. The slab, turned out to be a door. Excitedly, I prised it open with several of our labourers. That was the day our fortunes changed."

EH: "What did you find inside?"

DTD: "It was a form of hell itself. Cave-ins delayed our progress, our rations ran low, our water reserves evaporated, our tools broke almost constantly. And then the sickness started."

EH: "Like a disease? Trapped in the tomb?"

DTD: "Of a sort. Three men died of fever in as many days. Madness claimed two more. But we pushed on towards the burial chamber. It was worth it, we told each other. And it was! We found a perfectly preserved burial chamber. The most intact and whole artifacts ever discovered!"

EH: "Baubles and trinkets aren't much cop if you're all too dead to admire them."

DTD: "Yes, but the death didn't really begin until we removed the artifacts, and shipped them back to London. Ever since we left that tomb, we have all had visions of the Pharaoh, reaching out for us with his bandaged arms, always closer, always tighter in his grasp."

EH: "How many of you are left?"

DTD: "Only a handful. Three, maybe four? "

EH: "So why tell me? Why not just return the Egyptian stuff back to the tomb?"

DTD: "Because this is beyond me, or any of my crew! This is the find of the century, and it must be shared. Damn the personal consequences, I am in it for the historical value. It belongs in a museum!"

EH: "Would the rest of your crew see it this way?"

DTD: "Yes! Maybe... I don't know. And it doesn't matter. It's too late now. But their sacrifice must be made to be meaningful...  I must go. I cannot risk putting you in danger any longer."

EH: "But..."

DTD: "I just needed someone to hear my story. To make it worthwhile... Goodbye, Ellie Higson."

EH: "Tim! Wait, Tim!"

*But it was too late, Tim had already slipped out the door and into the fog...*