Monday 29 August 2016

J&L: Mysteries of the Macabre (9)

Cult Stronghold

Voice: "Leave those two for me, they have value beyond mere sacrifice."

EE: "Our lord and master speaks to us!"

GG: "As you wish, my lord. Then whom shall be your final sacrifice?"

Voice: "Let my faithful provide the means of my return! Fight amongst yourselves for this great honour, fight to decide whom is worthy of this monumental task."

EE: "I volunteer as sacrifice!"

PGL: "Stop this madness at once! It's barbaric!"

GG: "Silence, unenlightened heathen. You and your kind will be purged when our master is ruler once again."

HGJ: "You realize that you lot won't be spared from his wrath. Destructive deities are not generally known for compassion."

GG: "Enough! Brother Edmund has volunteered. Does anyone else wish to challenge him? No... very well."

EE: "All my life, I've felt that I've been destined for greatness. But I've never found my calling."

GG: "Until now, brother. Know, that by your actions, Sutekh himself shall have domain over all things, once more."

*A sickening whoosh of air followed the dagger's strike, dulling as the sound was absorbed by Edmund's flesh.*

EE: "Praise... Su...tekh...."

GG: "And so, his will has been carried out. Praise Sutekh!"

Cultists: "PRAISE SUTEKH!"

PGL: "How ghastly!"

HGJ: "So, is that it then? Have we failed? Is the world about to plunge into the despairing depths of demonic darkness?"

PGL: "I admit we're somewhat out of our depth this time, old chum. But unless I'm mistaken, the moment has been prepared for."

HGJ:."You have some kind of cunning counter offensive then?"

PGL: "More of a shot in the dark, if I'm honest. But it's the best hope we have."

HGJ: "Well, I'd wouldn't delay in enacting it. Look at that gem thing."

PGL: "It's starting to glow, a kind of radiant red internal light."

GG: "The Eye of Horus has been opened! The gateway has been established."

HGJ: "The light, it's swirling, and increasing in size."

PGL: "It appeared to be forming into some kind of portal."

HGJ: "There! Do you see, in the centre of the portal, is that the figure of a man?"

PGL: "There is a dark shape, drawing closer. But it's no man."

HGJ: "Looks like a man to me... By Jove! Is that a dog's head? Cove is covered in black fur!"

PGL: "That would be the same as the body  the late Mr. Erickson wished to display."

Voice: "Not the same, George Litefoot. That creature was an Osiran, like me. But he was a mere commoner, one of my guards, entrusted with the means of my return. It is prudent to plan for all eventualities, after all."

GG: "My lord! To see you, in the flesh, it is..."

Sutekh: "Silence! You insignificant mortals shall speak only when directed to."

PGL: "Excuse me, Sutekh. But you appear to be under misapprehension that you have won control of this planet, without a fight."

Sutekh: "Haha! This one has spirit indeed. How do you intend to stand against me? Some kind of primitive projectile weapon?"

PGL: "No. With this!"

Sutekh: "A dagger? It doesn't even have a sharp blade. It's just a silver rod!"

HGJ: "The Quality Flow Gyrometer!"

PGL: "That's Quantum Flux Generator, Henry."

Sutekh: "That is not technology native to your time zone."

PGL: "You'll find us humans can be resourceful in a pinch."

Sutekh:."It is still a mere child's toy. What do you possibly hope to achieve with such a trinket?"

HGJ: "I'd quite like to know that and all."

PGL: "Honestly, I don't have a clue. But it was given to me by a remarkable man in a remarkable circumstance. By the kind of man who would probably have expected this exact scenario and planned accordingly."

HGJ: "Indeed, when the Doctor goes to such effort to send us a bizarre item, chances are he knows we'll need it."

Sutekh: "The Doctor is involved? That meddling Time Lord got lucky the last time he interfered. I will not give him a second opportunity."

PGL: "Oh, it's too late for that now. Now, how do I activate this... A-ha!"

*A crackling energetic him fills the room.*

HGJ: "Didn't expect it to shoot lighting from the tip."

PGL: "Nor I! Look, the beam is striking right at the centre of the portal."

HGJ: "It's hitting the Eye of Horus."

Sutekh: "No. Impossible!"


PGL: "The gem! It's just shattered, like glass!"

HGJ: "The portal is shrinking! Good work Doctor!"

PGL: "Good riddance Sutekh! Back into the void with you!"

GG: "My lord, no! Grab my hand, I shall save yoooooouuuuuuuu"

PGL: "Good grief!"

HGJ: "The poor chap was sucked into the portal too. Who knows where they've ended up."

PGL: "The rest of the cultists have run off, it seems. Actually meeting Sutekh seems to have caused their faith to waiver."

HGJ: "So is that it then? Did we win? Seems a tad simple."

PGL: "I don't know Henry. But Sutekh is gone, the cult is disbanded. I think it's for the best that we have one anticlimactic adventure."

*A familiar noise fades in, a wheezing groan, the sound of something politely ripping a hole in the universe. It ends with a sudden thud.*

*A door creaks open*

The Doctor: "Gentlemen, no time to lose. Spit-spot! We've only just begun!"

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